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Balaton-felvidék National Park Directorate

Balaton-felvidék National Park Directorate

Balaton-felvidék National Park Directorate (BFNPD) plays an active role in the implementation of the LIFE IP GRASSLAND-HU country-wide project, which was launched in 2019 and has just reached the halfway point of its 8-year duration. With the co-operation of 14 project partners, under the coordination of Herman Ottó Institute Nonprofit Ltd., the aim of the integrated project is to preserve and enhance the Panonnian Steppe habitats and their conservation value, furthermore to reach an overall improvement in the status of wildlife. While the initial phase of the project focused on preparatory works, the current second phase is about implementation of tasks and actions needed to achieve project goals.

Actions targeting the preservation of grasslands, are carried out in two sites of Zala County and one in Somogy County under the management of the BfNPD. In Zala County BFNPD intend to improve the conservation status of the Batyk Marsh Meadow, a small natural grassland area with high plant diversity, and in the same time in coordination with their activities in other running projects, in the River Mura Basin Natura 2000 area, they are endeavouring to allow animals to graze again in former pastures that are in need of restoration. In the Lengyeltót-Buzsák region of Somogy County, in the wetlands of Natura 2000 Pogányvölgy meadows, grasslands covered by shrubs and infected by invasive species are under restoration treatment in order to enhance habitat conditions by curbing the succession of undesirable species, controlling invasions, and improve the unfavourable conservation status of the Pannonian Root Vole (Microtus oeconomus mehelyi), (of) a native and protected animal.

Land purchase

One of the main priorities of the project is to increase the mosaic structure of grassland sites under BFNPD management, through the buying of grassland areas and croplands that can be turned back to grasslands, furthermore achieve connectivity in areas serving as ecological corridors. Both in Zala and Somogy County, lands were purchased by the BfNPD expanding project areas so far with 31.8 hectares, with the aim of improving the conservation status of the new areas within the framework of the project. Over the next years, depending on landowner willingness to participate in the grassland conservation program, BfNPD intends to pursue further targeted land purchases.

Grassland conservation and restoration

Over the first 2-year-long project phase, agricultural equipment that was needed to grassland restoration treatments was purchased. In 2021, with the help of a subcompact tractor with sickle bar mower and string trimmers, local invasive plant treatments were started in the patches of Batyk Marsh Meadow overspread by goldenrods (Solidago) and Alder Buckthorn (Frangula alnus).

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Curbing the spread of invasive plants invaded in sensitive marsh meadow areas with the self-propelled scythe mower – Photo by Máté Magyari

Batyk Marsh Meadow is one of the natural grasslands in Zala County with high conservation value, which is threatened by climate change, extended draughts, introduction of invasive species and succession. Applying different management intensity on each grassland patch, is vital to protect 32 native plant species and enhance habitats for protected native diurnal butterflies. 


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Purple-shot Copper (Lycaena alciphron) is one of the rare butterfly species of Batyk Marsh Meadow – Photo by Tamás Bekő

Along the River Mura, near the town of Letenye, as a related project funded by KEHOP (KEHOP-4.1.0-15-2016-00057), a livestock farm for extensive cattle breeding was established, which also functions as a BfNPD management centre.

Within the framework of the LIFE IP project, interventions aimed at extending land areas suitable for grazing, improving soil quality and establishing the conditions for regionally marginalized grazing, are carried out around the livestock farm before the transportation of the cattle stock to the farm.


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Before reseeding the newly purchased, long-abandoned and shrub-invaded pasture, invasive plant species were removed. – Photo by Márk Právics

Around the livestock farm, grasslands in unfavourable conditions were restored using grassland management techniques such as mulching, mowing and reseeding of arable land purchased with the funding of the LIFE project and installing driveway; furthermore the BfNPD Management Centre was also built in 2021, which will hopefully operate soon after finding a component operator. Covered by LIFE IP funds, buying a herd ofHungarian Grey Cattle and a service bull will be performed this year.

Grassland Conservation Management Advisory Service

In the spring of 2021, under the general coordination of Herman Otto Institute Non-profit Ltd., localy managed by the project partners, the Grassland Conservation Management Advisory Service started its work on the site. Four  rangers of BfNDP are responsible for fulfilling the task. Their activities include establishing personal contacts with grassland farmers, Agricultural Consultants (falugazdász), providing effective management practices, monitoring the conditions of the grassland sites and the effectiveness of grassland management practices, participating in administrative procedures related to grasslands and control of agricultural subsidies.


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Grassland site is checked by Előd Búzás, our grassland conservation consultant in the West Zala County Region. – Photo by Máté Magyari

Car, GPS, geospatial data licence/GIS licence, office equipment and professional books were purchased for the grassland conservation consultants charged to the projects. In addition, in Zalaegerszeg, a property located in a unique natural surroundings, was bought, which will be used as a Grassland Conservation Information Centre after carrying out minor renovation work on the property. 

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A noticeboard was installed in the front of the property purchased for the Grassland Conservation Information Centre – Photo by Máté Magyari

The popularity of the Grassland Conservation Management Advisory Service amongst stakeholders is increasing, as demonstrated by the fact that Előd Búzás, a grassland conservation consultant of Western Zala County Region was invited by Zala County Council in 2021 and 2022 to participate as an instructor in the village and homestead caretaker (community based services in small remote rural areas to reduce disadvantages related to the lack of community services) training programs.

Future plans

In addition to further planned land purchases, BFNPD intends to continue the controlling of woody invasive species on larger grassland areas that are already in their land trust. Within the framework of public procurement procedure, they plan to mandate an external contractor to carry out mulching in a 100 hectare area and the cleaning of 20 hectares of shrub-invaded area in Zala and Somogy County. After the restoration of degraded grassland habitats, maintaining will be ensured by grazing in the River Mura Basin, while in Somogy County, during spring floods, by the operation of water navigation devices (river wall, lock) and in the summer, by mowing. Following the renovation of the building purchased to operate as a Grassland Conservation Information Centre, a Natura 2000 demonstration garden will be designed nearby the information centre for visitors to learn more about grassland vegetation. In order to the introduce Natura 2000 high-coverage grassland areas and the connected agri-environmental/conservation friendly farming practices, promotional booklets about 15 Natura 2000 sites will be published in the second half of the project period.