Day of Birds and Trees

The Herman Ottó Institute Nonprofit Ltd. invited 300 primary school children to get involved in the Day of Birds and Trees on Friday 13th May 2022.
Children could learn about the importance of environmental protection through environmental awareness activities including fun bird and tree facts, videos, noise pollution and composting lessons, mini botanical garden and zoo at 10 venues. At the end of the event, children and teachers could exchange go green stamps for gift baskets.
During the outdoor raising awareness activities, the enthusiasm of the students screams filled the air, while a group of children were involved in a noise measuring activity. At the stall of the funder of the event, the Grassland-HU LIFE integrated project and at the stall of the Wildlife Watching, children could play with environmental games. During composting lessons, students could learn to make compost and recycle materials in the yard. At the stall of the Pangea Association, children had an opportunity to dissect owl pellets.
In the Herman Ottó Conference Centre, while images of birds were projected in tandem with their calls, guests could test their environmental awareness by solving quiz developed by the team of the HungAIRy LIFE IP. Students could get the experience of petting live and mounted animals, and watching carnivorous plants at the stall of the “Turázoo” Mini Zoo and Wild Watching. Students of 7-14 years arrived from 14 different classes, and were divided into smaller groups to watch environmental short films and videos at one of the event venues.
Timed tickets were sold out quickly, thus, unfortunately, there were classes interested in the event, but we couldn’t accept them. Given the success of the event, we plan to organize further similar events this year.
Source: Herman Ottó Institute Nonprofit Ltd.