International Saker Falcon Conference and Workshop - Programme and Presentations

Herman Ottó Institute Nonprofit Ltd., in cooperation with MME/Birdlife Hungary organizes an online internation conference and workshop on the conservation of saker falcon on 1-2 December 2021.
The first day is dedicated to presentations. On the second day, participants will discuss the European saker falcon species action plan
(it can be downloaded from here:
The plan was prepared in 2005 and it has not been updated since its offical approval in 2006. Draft on possible amendments will be circulated for contribution before the workshop.
Registration form:
Registration deadlines: 30 November 2021
The working language of the conference is English.
Anyone interested can join the event on the following link from 9:00AM (Central European Time) to the end (about 6:00PM CET), 1st of December:
Should you have any question, please, contact: Matyas Prommer, prommerm [at] (prommerm[at]hoi[dot]hu)
Programme of the International Saker Falcon Conference |
Budapest, Hungary, 1-2 December 2021 |
1st December 2021 |
Time |
Lecturer |
Title of the presentation |
9:00 |
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9:10 |
Barbara Bezegh |
Welcome by Herman Ottó Institute Nonprofit Ltd. |
9:10 |
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9:20 |
Bertalan Balczó |
Welcome by the Ministry for Agriculture |
9:20 |
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9:30 |
Gergő Halmos |
Welcome by MME - BirdLife Hungary |
9:30 |
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9:50 |
Umberto Gallo-Orsi Colin Galbraith |
CMS Raptors MoU's Saker Falcon Global Action Plan (SakerGAP) and its implementation |
9:50 |
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10:10 |
János Bagyura |
Population trends and conservation status of saker falcon in Hungary 1980-2021 Video |
10:10 |
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10:30 |
Vlasta Skorpiková |
Status and conservation of saker falcon in the Czech Republic |
10:30 |
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10:50 |
Richard Zink |
Status and conservation of saker falcon population in Austria |
10:50 |
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11:10 |
11:10 |
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11:30 |
Jozef Chavko Guziova Zuzana |
Development and characteristics of the saker falcon (Falco cherrug)populations in Slovakia in the period 1976 - 1921 |
11:30 |
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11:50 |
Slobodan Puzović |
Distribution, Population and breeding success of saker falcon Falco cherrug in Serbia, 2020-2021 |
11:50 |
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12:10 |
Darko Grlica |
Status and conservation of saker falcon population in Croatia |
12:10 |
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12:30 |
Yana Andonova |
Reintroduction of the saker falcon in Bulgaria: Captive breeding, release via hacking method, construction and installation of artificial nests, monitoring, genetic study |
12:30 |
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13:30 |
13:30 |
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13:50 |
Miklós Váczi |
Assessing habitat suitability for saker falcon (Falco cherrug) as a function of prey source population density in |
13:50 |
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14:10 |
Attila Nagy |
The success story of saker falcon in Romania |
14:10 |
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14:30 |
Vitalij Ajder |
Status and conservation of saker falcon in Moldova |
14:30 |
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14:50 |
Daria Rozhkova |
Results of HiSeq Genetic Research of Falco cherrug and Falco rusticolus: SNPs variability of the European saker falcon |
14:50 |
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15:10 |
Ludmilla Zinevich |
Perspectives and problems of saker genetic ‘passportization’ and forensic testing in Russia |
15:10 |
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15:30 |
15:30 |
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15:50 |
Elvira Nikolenko |
Saker falcon in Russa: status and conservation |
15:50 |
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16:10 |
Lena Schnayder |
Restoration of the altaicus morph of Saker in Southern Siberia, Russia |
16:10 |
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16:30 |
Peter Shurulinkov |
Saker Falcon is breeding back in Bulgaria – observation on the behavior of the first reintroduced successfully breeding pair |
16:30 |
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16:50 |
Akylai Kabaeva |
Saker falcon conservation in Kyrgyzstan |
2nd December 2021 |
Time |
Lecturer |
Workshop on the European Single Species Action Plan |
9:00 |
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9:10 |
Mátyás Prommer |
Introduction |
9:10 |
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10:50 |
interactive |
Reviewing the action plan |
10:50 |
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11:10 |
11:10 |
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12:20 |
interactive |
Reviewing the action plan |
12:20 |
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12:30 |
Mátyás Prommer |
Summary |
Photo: Tibor Horváth