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The newest grassland manager smart calendar have been published

The newest grassland manager smart calendar have been published

Based on the experiences of the past years, the staff of the Grassland Conservation Management Advisory Service and the Hortobágy National Park Administration summarized the latest nature conservation knowledge regarding the Hungarian grassland management in their smart calendar, which was published as part of the Grassland-HU LIFE integrated project.

Visual diagrams, photos and tables help the hungarian grassland owners to navigate the nature conservation maze of the grassland management. The little one covers, among other things, a

  • to interpret protection categories,
  • the most important relevant legislation,
  • correct and incorrect management methods,
  • it even contains vivid information about rare species that occur on lawns that need protection.

In addition, the publication also presents the impact of the most important invasive plant species on lawns and their prevention and possible elimination.

The „gyepgazda naptár és kisokos 2024” are available online in Hungarian language.

Source: Hortobágy National Park Directorate

Photo: Paragi Dénes