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When and how to mow?

When and how to mow?

Until the beginning of the last century, when the mechanization of mowing did not begin, it  was a slow-paced work process that was done with hand tools and human power. The harvest progressed slowly, in a larger area it could take up to weeks, so freshly mowed, unmowed, and re-sprouted patches were created to varying degrees, creating the most favorable mosaic. As a result, all animals could find their optimal habitat, and plants could ripen their seeds. This natural method was unwittingly a guarantee for the preservation of the diversity of the living world.

However, today, in the age of mechanized agriculture, the situation is quite different. In order to achieve something similar to the natural state of a hundred years ago, great care is required not only on the part of nature conservation, but also on the part of the farmer In that case to understand the right practice, the Grassland Conservation Management Advisory Service summarized the rules and regulations for mowing grassland areas used in Hungary.

Source: Hortobágy National Park Directorate